Thomas Woodrow Wilson Park – Poznań
Thomas Woodrow Wilson Park in Poznań is located between street Matejki, Berwińskiego, Głogowska, Parkowa – in the center of Łazarz estate. It covers an area of 7.2 ha. It is not the largest Park within the city of Poznań. However, it is located very close to the city center.
Wilson Park belongs to the group of historic parks located in the city of Poznań. In 1834, the area of the present park was purchased by the Society for Beautifying the City and Its Surroundings. Originally it was to be a tree nursery. In 1902, the nursery is handed over to the city and from that moment it is available to the public. From that time, it served as a botanical garden until 1925. The furnishing process was completed in 1904 according to the design of Herman Kube.
In 1910, a palm house was built in the park. It is erected as part of the East German Exhibition of Industry, Craft and Agriculture. After the First World War, when Poland regained its independence, Park receives US President Thomas Woodrow Wilson as its patron. In 1928, these areas were incorporated into the PeWuKa area. Which results in the creation of a fountain in the Park. In 1931, a monument to T. W. Wilson was unveiled in the park, funded by Ignacy Paderewski.
In the years 1951-90 the park was named after Marcin Kasprzak. In 1956, a sculpture depicting Perseus saving Andromeda, previously standing on pl. Cyril Ratajski. It is worth mentioning here that the sculpture was originally part of the fountain.
What to see in the Park
The most interesting monuments within the park include:
- Palm House
- Monument to Perseus saving Andromeda
- Concert shell
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